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Belinda Martin
Researcher The University of Western Australia , Co-founder Ooid Scientific
Perth, WA
Helen Hayden
C.R.Roper Fellow in Agricultural Science The University of Melbourne , Author
Melbourne, VIC
Karita Negandhi
Project Officer Healthy Floodpains, Department of Planning Infrastructure and Environment
Parramatta, NSW
Bita Zaferanloo
Senior Lecturer in Microbial Biotechnology & WIL Swinburne University of Technology , Science communicator , Lead Shaping STEM Furures Program
Melbourne, VIC
Miriam Munoz-Rojas
Senior Lecturer UNSW Sydney , ARC DECRA Fellow , Adjunct Senior Research Fellow UWA
Sydney, NSW
Kliti Grice
John Curtin Distinguished Professor Curtin University , Director of WA-Organic and Isotope Geochemistry Centre Curtin University
Perth, WA
Rina Kumar
PhD student and Research Assistant QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
Brisbane, QLD