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Anna Calkin
Head, Lipid Metabolism & Cardiometabolic Disease Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute
Melbourne, VIC
Kim Hemsley
Head, Childhood Dementia Research Group Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute, Flinders University
Adelaide, SA
Helen Williams
Senior Scientific Officer Westmead Hospital , Research Fellow The University of Sydney
Westmead, NSW
Vivian Tran
PhD candidate La Trobe University , Mentor In2science , Demonstrator La Trobe STEM Outreach
Melbourne, VIC
Camilla Bertuzzo Veiga
Postdoctoral researcher Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute/ The University of Melbourne
Melbourne, VIC
Katharina Ronacher
Professor Mater Research - The University of Queensland , Professor Extraordinary The University of Stellenbosch
Brisbane, QLD
Duyen Tran
PhD candidate School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, University of Tasmania
Launceston, TAS
Elena George
Postdoctoral Research Fellow IPAN, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University
Burwood, VIC
Jessica Grieger
Post doctoral research fellow University of Adelaide, Robinson Research Institute
Adelaide, SA
Shyuan Ngo
Group Leader Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of Queensland
Brisbane, QLD
Alta (AE) Schutte
Principal Theme Lead: Cardiac, Vascular and Metabolic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine University of New South Wales , Professorial Fellow The George Institute for Global Health , President International Society of Hypertension
Sydney, NSW