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Tasneem Memon
Co-founder & CTO Cognidius Solutions , Machine Learning Advisor Logistics Research Group, UNSW Canberra , ICT & Knowledge Manager Australian Defence Force Academy , Head of Client Engagement LinkedIn Local Canberra
Canberra, ACT
Tanya Jane Duckworth
PhD Scholar in Medicine (Neuroscience) University of Adelaide , Laboratory Manager University of Adelaide , Sessional Academic University of Adelaide , Sessional Academic University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW
Nikki-Anne Wilson
Postdoctoral Research Fellow NeuRA: Neuroscience Research Australia , Conjoint Postdoctoral Research Fellow Neuroscience Research Australia
Sydney, NSW
Kate McKay
PhD Candidate School of Psychology, the University of Queensland , Volunteer Youth Group Facilitator Empower Autism
Brisbane, QLD
Kerryn Pike
Senior Research Fellow, Tracey Banivanua Mar Fellow La Trobe University , Clinical Neuropsychologist Yarra City Psychology
Melbourne, VIC
Talitha Ford
Dean's Postdoctoral Research Fellow School of Psychology, Deakin University
Burwood, VIC
Monique Boord
Postdoctoral Research Associate Quality Use of Medicines and Pharmacy Research Centre
Adelaide, SA
Kate Hoy
Professor Monash University , Deputy Director and Head of Interventional Neuropsychology, ECIMH Monash University and Epworth HealthCare
Melbourne, VIC
Fan Zhang
Senior Lecturer in Architectural Science Griffith University , DECRA Fellow Griffith University
Southport, QLD
Muireann Irish
Associate Professor The University of Sydney , ARC Future Fellow Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney
Camperdown, NSW
Jess Nithianantharajah
Associate Professor The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health , University of Melbourne
Melbourne, VIC
Natalie Phillips
Director & Clinical Psychologist Beaches Brain Clinic , Clinical Psychologist Royal Far West , Honorary Associate - Research The University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW