Resources and Opportunities
Discover resources and opportunities available to support women in STEM across their careers and promote gender equity.
Do you wish to suggest a resource or opportunity to the database? Suggest here.

STEM Sisters Workshops
From 09 Sep 2021 to 14 Oct 2021
STEM Sisters is a group of diverse yet like-minded women international students and migrants committed to diversity and inclusion in the STEM fields. The goal - to ensure culturally and lingually diverse (CALD) women have the ability to pursue their professional goals.
Now more than ever, it is important to be a part of a community that understands your lived experience in science, technology, engineering and mathematical fields.
So why not join? There are no memberships, fees or requirements. Attend an event, join the LinkedIn Group, to become a member. As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on our volunteers' generosity in managing our initiatives. If you also wish to support us, we welcome you to be a STEM Sisters volunteer.
Our next two free workshops are Approaching STEM Employers with Confidence on the 9th of September, 2021 from 12pm to 1pm via Zoom; and STEM Resume and Cover Letter on the 14th of October, 2021 from 4pm to 5pm via Zoom.
Register and join the STEM Sisters community.
Follow our social channels Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram to find out more about us.

PhD scholarships with FLEET
From 19 Jul 2021 to 28 Jun 2024
The ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies (FLEET) is using novel technologies based on atomically thin materials to reduce the energy used by electronics.
- Learn more about FLEET’s research
- Meet potential supervisors
We always seek talented students with interests in Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Materials Engineering and other equivalent fields. PhD positions are offered across FLEET’s seven nodes in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane, find more information on the PhD projects offered at each FLEET node here.
We offer:
- Generous PhD stipend and top-up scholarships to high performing students
- Internships and research opportunities with our global partners
- A comprehensive support program for women working with FLEET
Applications for PhD projects are always open. To apply, please fill in the Expression of Interest form.

Independent Director – NCI Advisory Board
From 15 Jun 2021 to 16 Jul 2021
NCI Australia is one of the nation’s leading high-performance computing facilities, as well as one of Australia’s largest research data repositories and home of its most integrated data services. NCI Australia provides these world-class services to Australian science, government and industry, thereby enabling nationally significant research projects that couldn’t otherwise be undertaken.
The ideal candidates for the roles of independent director will:
- be prepared to commit to the strategic vision of NCI Australia,
- have experience in leadership, strategic planning and high-level decision making, and
- have knowledge of the digital economy, big data and data technologies.
Experience in genomics and related big data informatics, or a background and expertise in high performance computing and associated big data needs of academia would be highly regarded.
Meetings are generally held four times a year in Canberra with travel expenses and a Directors fee of $1066 per meeting based on the daily rate derived from the Remuneration Tribunal (Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Part-time Public Office) Determination for the Australian Medical Research Advisory Board, effective April 2021. Meeting participation may be by videoconference as appropriate under any applicable state or territory COVID-19 arrangements.
NCI Australia values diversity, including gender diversity, and is committed to working toward gender parity on the NCI Advisory Board, and to this end strongly encourages suitable qualified women and gender diverse people to express their interest in this opportunity.
Term of appointment: 2 years (renewable).
For further information and/or to discuss the position please contact Dr Greg Ayers - Chair, NCI Advisory Board (greg [at]
Expressions of Interest (A cover letter and current resume) should be sent to: director.nci [at] by Friday 16 July.

STEMcognito – STEM communication video platform to enable and develop outreach skills and promote Australian EMCRs’ skills, research and careers worldwide.
STEMcognito is a new public engagement video communication platform. STEMcognito aims to become a trusted repository of validated scientific and academic video content, in a user-friendly, well-designed environment. STEMcognito allows viewers to choose from four main subjects and several subfields, with differing levels of complexity, thereby ensuring widespread public engagement opportunities. Additionally, our platform supports scientific communication skills development, with the opportunity for researchers to experience live feedback from the public and fellow professionals, thus widening the impact of the platform. A key goal of the project is to promote a culture of discussion around STEM research and to inspire researchers to both connect with a lay audience and with one another. Thus, STEMcognito is the only platform that supports outreach (expert to a non-expert) and “inreach” (expert to expert) communication, with the aim of bringing scientists and non-scientists closer together. STEMcognito gives voice to researchers and eliminates costly stages of specialist video production (such as animations or dubbing). It encourages researchers to fully exploit their existing resources, such as conference presentations. Thus, STEMcognito supports the enhanced use of precious intellectual resources and enhances public engagement with up-to-date scientific content. STEMcognito is free from time zone and location limitations. Australian EMCRs are often penalised for being in different time zones than many of their global colleagues, with inconvenient scheduling making it difficult to follow live seminars or webinars. By depositing videos on STEMcognito, Australian EMCRs will gain access to and be able to distribute their own scientific presentations asynchronously, allowing them to engage better with scientific colleagues.

VIC, Clayton
Opportunities in OPTIMA
From 31 Jul 2021 to 31 Jan 2025
PhD opportunity in OPTIMA
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre in Optimisation Technologies, Integrated Methodologies, and Applications (OPTIMA) is seeking applications for ten ARC fully-funded PhD projects with generous top-up scholarships.
We're looking for talented students with a background in mathematics, computer science, statistics, economics, engineering or other related fields. These positions are offered across OPTIMA's nodes located at Monash University, Clayton or The University of Melbourne, Parkville. Projects will be available from June 2021 onwards.
PhD projects are 3.5 years, including at least a one-year equivalent industry placement, the timing of which can be negotiated.
An expression of interest must be submitted before prospective PhD students are invited to apply for admission through their selected university. Before applying, please read the OPTIMA node universities' admission requirements, as a PhD will not be offered if you do not meet them. You can visit our LinkedIn page for more information on the projects (
OPTIMA are also seeking Postdoctoral Research Fellows – find out more here.

TEDxSydney Ideas search
Until 10 Jun 2021
TEDxSydney is on the hunt for fresh ideas. If you think you have a cracker of an idea for a TEDx talk, then they want to hear from you.
As we step into the future, we have never taken more comfort in hard science, groundbreaking research and a fact-based approach to our future. In 2021, TEDxSydney is looking to uncover remarkable ideas that will help shape the next 5, 10 and 50 years.
This is an opportunity to be considered for TEDxSydney’s suite of events including our Main Event on 17 September 2021, broadcast from the Sydney Opera House
The team are looking for 2-3 minute talks, on any topic that demonstrates original thinking and that can be conveyed by you alone - and they are especially keen to hear cutting edge research and ideas across STEM, architecture, design, medicine, health and beyond.
Find out more on the website.

The search is on for aspiring leaders in STEM
Until 29 May 2021
The STEM Executive Experience Day is an immersive one day event where you experience a ‘day in the life’ of an executive. For the day you are the executive of a fictitious company and are faced with a series of challenges from making tough decisions, to being the face of the company, to designing strategies for your company and managing difficult staff.
The WeAspire team are running a competition for two free places in the day program, to be run on 18 June in Sydney, including return flights to Sydney and 2 nights in a 5 star hotel.
Find out more and enter online at - entries close Saturday 29 May 2021, and winners will be announced on 2 June.

Mums in Science
Mums in Science is community platform for all women, with a focus on empowering women to create their own opportunities with an emphasis on neglected communities like women in STEM and parents.
The platform provides free access to peer support, information and access to free resources. Collectively these provide a ladder to empower and assist women, helping them to escape destructive and harmful environments that keep them isolated and feeling powerless.
Established in 2005, this network
* creates a community to provide mutual support,
* provides information to those who have the challenge of bringing up children and maintaining a career in science, whether full or part-time, or outside mainstream science.
With the hope that this support:
* will encourage women to recognise their strengths, achievements and talents
* will inspire women to create their own career paths and businesses
* empowers women to prioritise their needs equally with those of others, both at work and at home.
For more information, visit the website.

Women in Agriculture podcast | ILLUMINATA
Did you know that until 1994, no Australian woman was allowed to list their legal status as "farmer"?
As three PhD candidates from The University of Queensland (and STEM Women members!) Charlotte, Sera and Emily are trying to break stereotypes by starting the ILLUMINATA podcast to highlight the importance of women in agriculture and STEM.
Find out more, including all the episodes, on the website.

AMSI Winter School 2021 applications are open
From 12 Jul 2021 to 23 Jul 2021
Apply now for two weeks on #datascience hosted by @QUT. The program offers a range of specialist topics with overarching themes including Bayesian statistics, advanced Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, likelihood-free inference, modern neural networks and dimension reduction for high dimensional data. Scholarships are available for financial assistance.