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Kathryn Eastwood
Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance (MICA) Paramedic Ambulance Victoria , Research Fellow -Prehospital Emergency Care – Australian and New Zealand (PEC-ANZ) Centre for Research Excellence Monash University , Research Fellow Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine
Melbourne, VIC
Dr Mary Retallack
Managing Director/Viticulturist , National EcoVineyards Program Manager Retallack Viticulture Pty Ltd
Adelaide, SA
Perpetua Turner
Manager, State Fire Management Council Tasmania Fire Service , President Ecological Society of Australia , Hon Research Fellow University of Tasmania
Hobart, TAS
Lindy Chen
President Australia Blockchain Alliance , Mentor Small Business Solutions , Judge Telstra Business Awards , Founder Frethan Chain , President Sunnybank chamber of commerce , CEO ChinaDirect Sourcing
Brisbane, QLD
Kim Hardwick
Enterprise Risk Manager TPG Telecom/Vodafone Australia , Governance, Compliance and Risk Manager TPG Telecom/Vodafone Australia , IT & Engineering Governance Manager Qantas
Sydney, NSW
Catherine Hills
Design and Research Principal NextHCD / Wavemaker / CHA (Consulting) , Head of UX Experience and Design IOOF , UX and Service Design Director RMIT Online , UX Lead SEEK , UX Practice Lead (CX) / UX Lead Internet Banking ANZ Banking Group , UX Lead REA Group , UX Lead / Acting UX Delivery Manager ANZ Banking Group , Research candidate RMIT University
North Melbourne, VIC
Marit Kragt
Associate Professor University of Western Australia: UWA School of Agriculture and Environment , PVC Diversity & Inclusion University of Western Australia
Perth, WA
Samantha Cross
Director Office of Digital Government , PhD Candidate University of Western Australia
Perth, WA
Shahrzad Roohy Gohar
Lecturer (fulltime) The University of Queensland Business school , PhD Candidate UQ Business school
St Lucia, QLD
Claire Harris
Communication and Marketing Specialist | Science, Tech, Engineering Innovate Communicate , Evaluation and Insights Manager - Communication CSIRO , Founder Cowork Coplay initiative (Canberra)
Canberra, ACT
Adriana Mannino
Academic, Dietetics and Human Nutrition La Trobe University , Manager Service Planning, Clinical Service Planning and Population Health South Metropolitan Health Service
Perth, WA
Miriam Munoz-Rojas
Senior Lecturer UNSW Sydney , ARC DECRA Fellow , Adjunct Senior Research Fellow UWA
Sydney, NSW