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Eileen Roulis
Senior Research Fellow Australian Red Cross Lifeblood , Adjunct Lecturer Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, QLD
Hanna Sidjabat
Veterinary Laboratory Scientist Mentor Menzies School of Health Research , Adjunct Research Fellow Institute for Biomedicine and Glycomics, Griffith University
Gold Coast, QLD
Nivethika Sivakumaran
PhD Candidate Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery (GRIDD), Griffith University , Mentor Sustainable Education Foundation , Young Scientist Ambassador Wonder of Science (STEM)
Coopers Plains, QLD
Emma Sweeney
Postdoctoral Researcher The University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research
Brisbane, QLD
Phillippa Taberlay, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow University of Tasmania , NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow University of Tasmania
Hobart, TAS