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Dominique Van der Saag
Lecturer in Animal Welfare Science and Animal Behaviour Sydney School of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney
Camden, NSW
Rabia Bashir
Honorary Postdoctoral Fellow Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW
Lilith Caballero Aguilar
Research fellow Swinburne University of Technology , Research fellow St Vincent's hospital
Melbourne, VIC
Angelique Greco
Research Scientist- Drug discovery for fibrotic disease Pharmaxis , Clinical project manager IQVIA , Research Scientist - Drug discovery for neglected disease Griffith University Drug Discovery Centre , Senior consultant for the pharmaceutical industry IQVIA , R&D Funding Consultant Leyton Belgium , Research Scientist - Drug Discovery for COPD Almirall , Podcast producer Multiple Hats
Sydney, NSW
May Aung-Htut
Postdoctoral scientist Centre for Molecular Medicine and Innovative Therapeutics
Perth, WA
Isobel Ronai
Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow of HHMI Harvard University
Katharina Ronacher
Professor Mater Research - The University of Queensland , Professor Extraordinary The University of Stellenbosch
Brisbane, QLD
Kathy Nicholson
Oprations Manager Australian Institute for Machine Learning , The University of Adelaide
Adelaide, SA
Alice Pébay AM
Professor, Stem Cell Research, Surgical Research The University of Melbourne , Principal Research Fellow NHMRC , College of Experts ARC , Director Genetic Cures Australia , Adjunct Associate Professor Centre for Ophthalmology and Visual Science, University of Western Australia , Member Australasian Friedreich Ataxia Gene Therapy Clinical Trials Committee
Melbourne, VIC
Hang Ta
Associate Professor - Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow Griffith University
Brisbane, QLD
Kathryn Eastwood
Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance (MICA) Paramedic Ambulance Victoria , Research Fellow -Prehospital Emergency Care – Australian and New Zealand (PEC-ANZ) Centre for Research Excellence Monash University , Research Fellow Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine
Melbourne, VIC