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Nicola Rivers
Assistant Lecturer Monash University , Representative Australian Frozen Zoo
Melbourne, VIC
Tahlia Bassett
PhD Candidate Curtin University , Research Scientist Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Perth, WA
Ana Gaisiner
Field Associate California Academy of Sciences
Felicity Osborne
PhD Candidate University of the Sunshine Coast , Program Officer Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Sippy Downs, QLD
Joy Becker
Associate Professor in Aquatic Animal Health and Production University of Sydney , Associate Editor BMC Veterinary Research , Associate Editor, Journal of Aquatic Animal Health
Sydney, NSW
Lenore Litherland
Fisheries Scientist Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Annerley, QLD
Catheline Froehlich
PhD Candidate University of Wollongong , Councillor Australian Coral Reef Society
Wollongong, NSW
Genevieve Phillips
Fisheries Scientist Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania , Fisheries Scientist Australian Antarctic Division
Hobart, TAS
Dr Alice Clement
Postdoctoral Research Associate Flinders University , Programme Secretary Royal Society of South Australia
Adelaide, SA
Frederieke Kroon
Principal Research Scientist Australian Institute of Marine Science
Townsville, QLD
Marlee Jesson-Kerr
Fisheries Scientist Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Brisbane, QLD
Bronwyn Gillanders
Professor and Deputy Dean Research, Faculty of Science University of Adelaide
Adelaide, SA