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Maria Kavallaris
Founding Director, Australian Centre for NanoMedicine UNSW Sydney , Head, Translational Cancer Nanomedicine Theme Children's Cancer Institute , Head, Research Engagement Children's Cancer Institute
Sydney, NSW
Tegan Cheng
Group Leader & NHMRC Emerging Leader EPIC Lab, The Children's Hospital at Westmead , Conjoint Lecturer Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW
Lara (Ipek) Kurt
Research Fellow Monash University , Teaching Associate University of Technology Sydney
Melbourne, VIC
Mikaela Kovac
Master of Applied Science (Medical Physics) Student Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, QLD
Linda Truong
PhD Candidate University of Newcastle, Hunter Medical Research Insitute , HMRI research affiliate Hunter Medical Research Institute, Uni Newcastle , HREC member UNSW. Sydney , Clinical Trials researcher The Australian Centre for Cannabinoid Clinical and Research Excellence
Sydney, NSW
Caitlin Thomas
Senior Quality Engineer ResAppHealth , Chair Queensland College of Biomedical Engineers
Brisbane, QLD