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Michelle Colgrave
Proteomics Research Scientist CSIRO , Professor Edith Cowan University
Brisbane, QLD
Dr Elmira Bahraminejad
Senior Policy and project Officer Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Merridee Wouters
Senior Research Scientist Children's Medical Research Institute
Onisha Patel
Business Development Manager Walter and Eliza Hall Insitute of Medical Research
Melbourne, VIC
Sheena McGowan
Senior Lecturer and Head of Structural Microbiology Monash University , Adjunct Research Fellow Monash Insitute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Melbourne, VIC
Cassidy Whitefield
PhD Candidate Australian National University , Casual/Seasonal Academic Australian National University
Canberra, ACT
Aimee Horsfall
PhD Candidate University of Adelaide , ARC Centre for Nanoscale BioPhotonics
Adelaide, SA
Priyanka Bajaj
Assistant Professor National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, NIPER, Hyderabad, India
Canberra, ACT
Neha Gandhi
Advance Queensland Senior Research Fellow Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, QLD