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Professor Barbora de Courten, MD MPH PhD FRACP ExecMBA
Deputy Dean, Health & Biomedical Sciences RMIT , Specialist Physician Monash Health
Brighton, VIC
Alex Belcastro
Senior Vice President, Development and Precincts Northwest Healthcare Properties REIT
Sydney, NSW
Angela Webster
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology University of Sydney , Director of Evidence Integration NHRMC Clinical Trials Centre, Univeristy of Sydney , Senior Staff Specialist Transplantation and Renal Medicine Westmead Hospital
Sydney, NSW
Fabienne Mackay
Professor QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute , Director and CEO Medical Research Institute
Melbourne, VIC
Amal Mohamed Dameer
PhD student RMIT University , Honorary Researcher Austin Health and Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital , Respiratory Council co-chair and representative to ASA conference organising committee Australasian Sleep Association
Melbourne, VIC
Samantha Pillay
Urological Surgeon Continence Matters , Founder, Director Continence Matters , Author
Adelaide, SA
Natalie McKirdy
Research Fellow Ocular Cell Biology, Centre for Vision and Eye Research, Qeensland University of Technology
Brisbane, QLD
Eden Robertson
Postdoctoral Research Fellow UNSW Sydney , Research and Evaluations Manager Starlight Children's Foundation
Sydney, NSW
Michelle Colgrave
Proteomics Research Scientist CSIRO , Professor Edith Cowan University
Brisbane, QLD
Julee McDonagh
Registered Nurse, Lecturer, Early Career Researcher The University of Newcastle, School of Nursing and Midwifery/College of Health Medicine and Wellbeing
Gosford, NSW