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Lisa M. Given
Director, Social Change Enabling Capability Platform RMIT University , Professor of Information Sciences School of Global, Urban, and Social Studies & School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University
Melbourne, VIC
Naomi Strout
Executive Officer & Project Manager Microbiome Research Centre, UNSW St George & Sutherland Clinical School , Registered Nurse, Registered Midwife Microbiome Research Centre, UNSW St George & Sutherland Clinical School
Sydney, NSW
Kristiana Ludlow
PhD Candidate Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University , Research Assistant Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW
Patricia Menéndez
Lecturer Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University
Melbourne, VIC
Shurong Lu
Research & Projects coordinator Mental Health First Aid Australia , PhD candidate The Nossal Institute of Global Health , Specialist in chronic disease control and prevention Jiangsu Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
Melbourne, VIC
Angela Webster
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology University of Sydney , Director of Evidence Integration NHRMC Clinical Trials Centre, Univeristy of Sydney , Senior Staff Specialist Transplantation and Renal Medicine Westmead Hospital
Sydney, NSW
Kim van Schooten
Postdoctoral Researcher Neuroscience Research Australia , Conjoint Senior Lecturer University of New South Wales
Randwick, NSW
Miriam Munoz-Rojas
Senior Lecturer UNSW Sydney , ARC DECRA Fellow , Adjunct Senior Research Fellow UWA
Sydney, NSW
Shanthi Ramanathan
Post Doctorate Fellow - Health Economics and Impact Assessment Hunter Medical Research Institute , Conjoint Lecturer University of Newcastle, Faculty of Health and Medicine
Newcastle, NSW
Shahrzad Roohy Gohar
Lecturer (fulltime) The University of Queensland Business school , PhD Candidate UQ Business school
St Lucia, QLD