

ASTRO 3D Guide for Inclusive Meetings

The ASTRO 3D EDI Committee compiled a best-practice Guide for Inclusive Meetings. It includes suggestions for organisers of ASTRO 3D (and other) events that will help make the event equitable for gender and other forms of diversity, accessible for those with a disability, and inclusionary for all. It includes suggestions before the event (planning), during the event and after the event.



Have your say: Work and Care in the Time of COVID-19


The University of Melbourne is currently collecting responses for their 'Work & Care in the Time of COVID-19' survey.



Accessible online meetings guide

Video conferencing has become ubiquitous lately, but these meetings are not always fully accessible to everyone who would like to participate. The Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU) is offering a free online guide to optimising accessibility for virtual meetings.



The F Factor

The F Factor is a different kind of community group. Our purpose is to be a holistic support network for the entire duration of our members' technology careers. We want to see more women making it into technology leadership and less women exciting careers in tech mid-career.



The impact of COVID-19 on women in the STEM workforce

A report prepared by the Rapid Research Information Forum to inform the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, the Hon Karen Andrews MP of the impact COVID-19 will have on women in the STEM workforce.



STEM Equity Monitor

The STEM Equity Monitor is a national data report on girls’ and women’s participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). It presents the current state of STEM gender equity in Australia. It also provides a baseline for measuring change and trends over time in key sectors and career phases of girls’ and women’s engagement with STEM.


Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez

Invisible Women by Perez is a bestseller exploring the gender biases inherent in the modern world.



An intersectionality walk, with structural change

SAGE ACT regional network has developed an action-based activity to allow others to better understand how intersectionality affects an individual’s engagement at work, and how identification and mitigation of structural barriers can change this. A resource pack (PDF or DOC), introductory video, slide deck and walk tracker are all available to download and use.



Busting myths about women in STEM

The Office of the Chief Scientist has published a paper that dispels four damaging and persistent myths facing women in STEM, and highlights the need for ongoing action to encourage and support women to pursue careers in these areas.



Australia's STEM Workforce

A report by the Office of the Chief Scientist provides the first detailed analysis of Australia’s STEM trained workforce.