Workplace Culture

A significant culture shift in workplaces is critical in creating gender equity in STEM. A variety of actions to achieve this shift are being undertaken across the STEM sector. STEM Women has built a collection of practical resources and case studies to assist your organisation in creating this change.

This collection aligns with Opportunity 3 Culture: inclusive and respectful workplaces, in the Women in STEM Decadal Plan. Learn more about the decadal plan .


The 7 enablers of flex success

Through quantitative and qualitative research and working with over 600 organisations, beam has identified 7 flex enablers businesses need to tackle for a truly flexible work environment.



Accessible online meetings guide

Video conferencing has become ubiquitous lately, but these meetings are not always fully accessible to everyone who would like to participate. The Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU) is offering a free online guide to optimising accessibility for virtual meetings.



Breaking down barriers for women in chemistry

A new article from researchers at CSIRO is inspiring women in Australian chemistry to be a #catalystforchangeinchemistry. Women in chemistry face challenges related to workplace culture, work-life balance, measures of merit and mentorship. This article suggests personal and organisation-level strategies to overcome these challenges.



The impact of COVID-19 on women in the STEM workforce

A report prepared by the Rapid Research Information Forum to inform the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, the Hon Karen Andrews MP of the impact COVID-19 will have on women in the STEM workforce.


Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez

Invisible Women by Perez is a bestseller exploring the gender biases inherent in the modern world.



An intersectionality walk, with structural change

SAGE ACT regional network has developed an action-based activity to allow others to better understand how intersectionality affects an individual’s engagement at work, and how identification and mitigation of structural barriers can change this. A resource pack (PDF or DOC), introductory video, slide deck and walk tracker are all available to download and use.



Busting myths about women in STEM

The Office of the Chief Scientist has published a paper that dispels four damaging and persistent myths facing women in STEM, and highlights the need for ongoing action to encourage and support women to pursue careers in these areas.



Australia's STEM Workforce

A report by the Office of the Chief Scientist provides the first detailed analysis of Australia’s STEM trained workforce.


Diversity Council Australia

Diversity Council Australia (DCA) is the independent not-for-profit peak body leading diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We provide unique research, inspiring events and programs, curated resources and expert advice across all diversity dimensions to a community of member organisations.



OECD - Bridging the digital gender divide

Bridging the Digital Gender Divide says women are not currently empowered to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital transformation. While G20 economies have taken important actions to narrow gender gaps in general, more needs to be done to increase the participation of women and girls in the digital economy so that they too can contribute to and benefit from the digital transformation that is under way.