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Jodie Haigh
Communications Manager Science & Technology Australia (STA) , Vice President and Treasurer Australian Science Communicators
Canberra, ACT
Rachael Lowe
PhD Scholar Fenner School of Environment & Society, Australian National University , Demonstrator ENVS 2001, 3039 - Australian National University , Tutor/Lecturer ENVS 1003 - Australian National University , Gallery Assistant/Guide Questacon - the National Science & Technology Centre , Communications Officer Australian National University Institute for Space (ANU InSpace) , Student ambassador College of Science - Australian National University
Canberra, ACT
Nikki-Anne Wilson
Postdoctoral Research Fellow NeuRA: Neuroscience Research Australia , Conjoint Postdoctoral Research Fellow Neuroscience Research Australia
Sydney, NSW
Stephanie Downes
Specialist Master -Climate Deloitte , Associate Researcher University of Tasmania
Hobart, TAS
Amy Coe
PhD Candidate The University of Melbourne , Research Assistant The University of Melbourne , GDPA Online Instructor Monash University
Melbourne, VIC
Jennifer Mcintosh
Senior Research Fellow (Primary Care and Cancer Research) University of Melbourne
Melbourne, VIC
Stephanie Wheeler
MAE Scholar Hunter New England Health, Health Protection , MAE Scholar National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University
Newcastle, NSW