Tanya Russell
Research Fellow
James Cook University
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Dr Tanya Russell is an ecologist and medical entomologist who works as a Senior Research Fellow at James Cook University. The underlying aim of Dr Russell’s research is to stop the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases globally, with a particular focus on the Asia-Pacific. Her research aims to uncover the interactions between mosquitoes, disease pathogens, humans and environmental change. Her publications have directly influenced global policy development by the World Health Organization and regionally in the Solomon Islands, including support for the continued use of long-lasting insecticidal nets for malaria control despite concerns about recent increases in malaria transmission rates. Dr Russell has an extensive network of national and international research collaborators. The end-users of her research are vector control management programs and higher level policy development. Dr Russell has 60+ publications, reviews for various international journals, acts as an advisor to the World Health Organization, is an Associate Editor for Parasites & Vectors and supervises higher degree research students.