Janet Zhong
MPhil Student
The Australian National University
Contact me for
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- Opportunities to collaborate
Janet completed her undergraduate in physics honours at the Nonlinear Physics Centre at the Australian National University from 2016-2019 and is currently completing a one-year MPhil with the same group. She has previously tutored at the Australian Science Olympiads and Curious Minds program run by Australian Science Innovations, has interned at Nanyang Technological University and has been a delegate for the 2019 Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting. She will be beginning a PhD at Stanford in January 2021 as a Fulbright Scholar and will be studying quantum optics/ topological photonics.
In her spare time, Janet enjoys photography, painting, skateboarding, backpacking, reading biographies and accruing other random hobbies. Janet is happy to answer questions about any of the above experiences and she also enjoys mango ice-cream.
Janet identifies as culturally and linguistically diverse and lgbtqia+.