Hannah Auricht

Remote Sensing Specialist

Adelaide, SA

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  • Conference presenting
  • Opportunities to collaborate


Current Role:

I am a Remote Sensing Specialist at RegenCo, dedicated to restoration, carbon capture, and enhancing the financial value of Australia's inland rangelands. My role involves utilizing remote sensing and monitoring techniques honed during my PhD.

Career Story:

My journey began with an undergraduate degree in Marine Biology, where I discovered the potential of remote sensing for monitoring ocean processes. This interest led to Honours and a PhD in Remote Sensing and Earth Observation.

My research focused on using satellite imagery to monitor coastal marine environments, particularly how changes in river flow impact coastal water quality. I aimed to understand the relationship between coastal water quality and river flow, and how it may evolve with climate change and river flow modifications, to better protect our coastal ecosystems.

After graduating, I worked as a Data Analyst, assessing the physical climate risk of clients' assets. I then joined RegenCo, where my current role involves advanced remote sensing, GIS analyses, field surveys, and data management.

Other Interests:

I am passionate about promoting women and minorities in STEM. I aspire to see more diverse representation in science and remote sensing careers.