Elise van den Hoven

Professor of Human-Computer Interaction
University of Technology Sydney
Associate Professor in Interaction Design
Eindhoven University of Technology

Sydney, NSW

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  • Opportunities to collaborate


Elise van den Hoven has been shaping the field of Design for Remembering. Her research output includes: 100+ publications, 10+ grants (4.5+ million Euros total), H-index of 28. She has experience as conference keynote speaker (e.g. keynote at CHIuX'19), as reviewer (e.g. PhD examiner, CHI Associate Chair), as committee member/chair (e.g. SIGCHI Conference Management Committee, Chair of the TEI-conference Steering Committee, the UTS Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team). Van den Hoven has been involved in the Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI) conference series since its inception in 2006, and is general chair for TEI2020 in Sydney.

Next to the academic impact of van den Hoven's work, she has close collaborations with industry, e.g. Philips Research (where she did her PhD) and Microsoft Research Labs Cambridge (over 20 publications are co-authored with industrial partners), she gave invited talks in industry and has two patents. Her work has also appeared in public media and venues e.g. she spoke at Vivid Ideas Exchange (2019).

One of Van den Hoven's most significant achievements has been the awarding of a personal research fellowship (a VIDI-grant, from The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) of 800,000 EUR. The VIDI-scheme funded six years of research (2012-2018). She followed this up with an Australian Research Council's Discovery Project (ARC DP) on Muscle Memory together with Prof. Mueller from RMIT (December 2019 - December 2022), which will integrate not only the material and cognitive world, but also the body.

Van den Hoven leads the international research program Materialising Memories, a multidisciplinary team which is a collaboration between a.o. TU/e, UTS and DJCAD. Materialising Memories uses design research to study and support people in their everyday remembering practices.

For more information: www.elisevandenhoven.com or www.materialisingmemories.com

