Alicia Bayón Sandoval
Research Scientist
CSIC (Spain)
Research Scientist
Arizona State University (US)
Postdoctoral Fellow
CSIRO (Australia)
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Balancing the energy resources around the globe is one of the key challenges of today's society. Enhancing the storage of the renewable sources is a key factor to a future establishment of a renewable energy economy.
My research career started in 2009, focus on research projects in solar fuels and thermochemical energy storage. My main interests are focused on materials discovery and process optimization for energy storage with special attention to improved performance and cost competitiveness. During my PhD I gained experimental skills on materials synthesis and characterization applied to solar driven hydrogen production via thermochemical cycles and thermochemical energy storage. At CSIRO Energy, apart from my work in materials, I prepare techno-economic assessments and modelling of solar thermal processes and preparation of sucessful proposals for research grants. I am the leading researcher in thermochemistry of materials research at CSIRO. I am co-supervising 4 PhD projects in thermochemistry together with The University of Newcastle and The Australian National University. I also supervised 1 undergraduate thesis, 1 master thesis, 2 vacation students and 2 industrial trainees.