Camilla Hill

Senior Research Fellow
Murdoch University

Perth, WA

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I am a Research Scientist with a Ph.D. in Plant Genetics and Biochemistry (University of Melbourne) and 10+ years research experience in cereal crop research. I have a proven track record and expertise in crop genetics, genomics, metabolomics and bioinformatic technologies to support plant breeding, including next-generation sequencing, molecular marker technology, quantitative genetics, association mapping, genetic diversity analysis and associated bioinformatics.

My current research focus is to use new breeding technologies through collaborative R&D in the area of genetic improvement of cereal grains to deliver on-going benefits to the grains industry. In my current role as Senior Research Fellow, I work as part of the barley pre-breeding research team of the Western Crop Genetics Alliance, an initiative between Murdoch University and DPIRD (Agriculture and Food).

To date, my research has led to high-impact journal publications (35+), government and industry collaborations (including DPIRD WA, DJPR Vic, GRDC, and breeding companies), and research grants (awarded the GRDC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in 2019).

Camilla identifies as lgbtqia+.